Midsouth Mopars

Dedicated to Promoting, Preserving, and Racing the Chrysler Name

Good day members.. OK, not sure if anyone will get this soon. I have a problem.. broken exhaust manifold studs, yes I did say studs.. as in 3. I have looked on line and from what I can see going off of what other people have written, there are about 10 different ways to do this. So, lets put it simple.. 2 broken off even with the head, 1 still has some sticking out. I can put a nut on the end, but not very far. I don't any welding equipment, so welding a nut to the end and using that method isn't going to get it. As for the ones broken off even.. yea got to look at that one. I'm thinking I am going to have to pull the head and take it somewhere to get the studs removed.. any suggestions ?

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What ever happened to ya ? Did you get the broken tap outta that hole?


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